공부(팝, 영어)

[영어] 2021.06.30 expression

동프로 2021. 6. 30. 23:07

식당에서 주문할 때 사용하는 표현

1)주문 준비가 되었을때

I think I'm ready to order.

1.1)시험 준비가 되었을때

I think I'm ready to take the exam.


2) As an appetizer, I'll have the salad with the dressing.


3) What is today's special?


4) You read my mind.(나와 통했어)


5) It's on me. (내가 낼게)


6)You didn't actually have that much today. (사실 너 오늘 별로 안먹기는 했어.)
